Network Marketing industry is growing very fast and in my opinion it will continue to grow for various reasons. Some of the reasons are:

  • There is no job security anymore
  • Start-Up costs are very low
  • Anyone can start a part-time business to run alongside their current job and still have the security of an income while building their dream.
  • Network Marketing provides an opportunity for the average person to earn an extraordinary income if they are prepared to work
  • Network Marketing provides the flexibility to work at anytime from anywhere.

However, Network Marketing is a misunderstood business model. Many networkers don’t seem to understand why people avoid this industry when in fact it is these same networkers who are part of the problem as they keep bugging family and friends.

These networkers try to force a network marketing pitch down people’s throat. How many times they invite someone for dinner or ask for their opinion and these people then discover they have been set up for a business presentation.

I believe Network Marketing is a great industry and I have been involved in this industry for 15+ years. If I am being honest in the early days I was also guilty of tricking and manipulating people so I could present my opportunity to them.

However after some time I figured out 2 things, firstly not everybody could do what I was doing and secondly people don’t like to be manipulated and this type of approach doesn’t work.

These days I mainly use online prospecting strategies however in the offline world things started to work much better for me when I started to relax and JUST TALK with people about their jobs, family, hobbies etc, and if an opportunity was presented where my product or opportunity could help solve their problem then I presented to them.

During normal conversations if someone asked me, “what do you do?” then I would simply say something like, “I teach people how to fire their boss and work from home”. Some people would say something like “how does that work? Or I wish I could do that?” then I would say, “If you like I can show you”. Other people were not ready to go further so the topic of the conversation changed.

I just looked for people who were ready for the conversation. Of course I still got many “no” or “not yet” and that was ok. Some of them joined later when the timing was right for them. With people it’s all about timing, a no is not a no forever. It just means not at this time, people’s circumstances do change!

As I said these days I prefer online marketing strategies which work much better for me. I don’t bug my family and friends and talk only with qualified prospects who WANT to talk with me.

Mentally I am in a much stronger position when people are contacting me to join my business than if I was chasing them..

At this point you may be asking, what is the online marketing strategy I use?blog5

Basically I have online site/system set up and my job is to drive traffic to my site. When someone comes to my site they enter their name and email to ask for more information. This works best if you offer them something free in exchange for their contact details. What you offer them could be a free report, a video etc. Just make sure whatever you are offering has value and the value is tilted in their favor to lower any resistance they may have to giving their contact details.

The automated system then takes over to educate them by sending out emails with videos, pdf’s presentations, etc. The emails also invite them to contact me directly if they have further questions. Generally, by the time I hear from them they have seen enough information to decide the business is for them or maybe they just have a few questions.

From my system back office I can see exactly what the people are doing. Did they click on the link in the email? Did they watch the presentation video? Where did they go after that? How much time did they spend reviewing the information? Etc.

I get all this information to decide who is serious about the business. This means I get to speak with only serious qualified prospects and not waste my time contacting people who could not be even bothered to click on the link in the email.

The great thing is the automated system keeps sending emails to build the relationship and nurture them so that when the time is right they can be contacted.

I am not saying my way is the “best way” as there are many network marketing professionals who do extremely well using the traditional methods and others do well using the same online strategies I use. There are many others who use a combination of traditional and online methods for prospecting.

You have to decide which will work better for you and once you know which works best for you then keep doing that consistently.

These days many people are building huge network marketing businesses using the internet and social media and you can do the same too. Subscribe here for FREE 10 Day bootcamp.

‘Til next time.


Moni Arora

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P.S.  If you are still looking for a profitable home business and would like to be mentored by me Click Work With Moni