The most powerful platform ever created for easily and quickly making connections around the world is Social Media, and if you are not using Social Media to promote your Network Marketing business then you are missing out on a tremendous opportunity.

In your Network Marketing business you start out as just one person and then each connection leads to more connections. It is the same on Social Media, you start your Social Media account as one person and then each connection leads to more connections until you have a large global network.

However, achieving a large network on Social Media requires time and diligence which is no different to your Network Marketing business.

Here are some tips for creating the right foundation for using Social Media in your Network Marketing business.

  • First Thing To Remember: IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU!
    Pasting links about your products or opportunity just won’t work on Social Media. It’s about creating a following or to put it another way creating “Your Tribe”.The question is how do you create your tribe on Social Media?Provide valuable content and the more valuable your content the more connections you will make to grow your network. Content such as “how-to” do certain things is great as it educates and entertains people.If you’re thinking I am not a writer don’t despair. You can “Curate Content”, meaning you find valuable content and pass it on and in time you will have dedicated followers.
  • Pick ONE Social Media Site And Focus Your Efforts
    If this is your first experience of Social Media then I suggest just pick ONE site, it can be Facebook, Linkedin or Twitter, and learn everything you can to master that one site to do a great job.It is far better to be the master of one rather than a jack of all trades. Naturally, having mastered one then move on to another site and learn how to become a master of that.
  • Find Influencers In Your Niche And Spread The Love
    Find successful people in your niche who have large number of followers and make sure you “Like” on (Facebook) and “Follow” on (Twitter) these influencers.Check out the content these influencers are positng and make sure to like, comment and share their content.This is very important for getting followers and likes to grow your network.When you do this the law of reciprocity kicks in and because you have done something for them there is a very good chance they will do something for you.
  • Post Content on Social Media and Pay Attention To The Response
    When you post content on Facebook and your content gets lots of likes and shares this means it is the right type of content for your followers. On Twitter you will get “retweets” or “mentions” if your content is something that resonates with your followers.Pay close attention to what is working and what is not working when you post on Social Media.
  • Be Yourself – Be Authentic and Be Transparent
    On Social Media dishonesty always backfires and it can ruin your reputation very quickly. So, whatever you are sharing, whether it’s personal success or failure stories and you are honest and open you will find your network will respond positively.Once you have understood how to grow your network and established a foundation it is time to align your Social Media efforts with your business goals of building your Network Marketing business.Make it your goal of establishing 1,3 or 5 connections (or any other number that works for you!) every day.

    If you make your goal to contact 3 new people every day to discover if they have a need for your product or opportunity you will in no time be on your way to building a huge Network Marketing business and living your dream lifestyle.

If you have no idea what to say to people to make the connections then I highly recommend checking out Social Media Recruiter which will teach you step-by-step how to explode your network marketing business using social media.

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P.S.  If you are still looking for a profitable home business and would like to be mentored by me Click Work With Moni